RADical Winter Reading

This just in... 2012-2013 Winter Reading Program Details

To participate students will read from December 21th thru January 6th.

Record how many minutes the student reads on the log. Families may read to the student.

The Winter Reading Log is available online on the PTA website.
Print a copy at home or pick one up in the Doss library.
Students in kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade participate by continuing to read 20 minutes each day for 10+ days. Younger readers improve best with daily practice.

Students in 3rd, 4th and 5th grade participate by reading a minimum of 300 minutes. These students can read 30 minutes each day for 10 days or any other combination to reach at least 300 total minutes.

The final step is to return the log to your teacher or to the library before Friday January 11, 2013.
Various prizes are available for our Doss Winter Readers. Get ready to READ over winter break! Have fun!!!