Follett Challenge

There's big money on the line--- We need your support!!! 

Follett Challenge is LIVE - Vote today and everyday! 

Click here to vote for our Doss!!!

After you've cast YOUR vote, share this link with your friends, neighbors, and everyone you know! You can cast 1 vote per day from today until Friday, January 30th. The 10 videos with the most votes win the 'People's Choice Award', and 20% of our total score is based on how many votes we receive. There's a share of $200K on the line, so go vote and promote! 

The Follett Challenge is a program created to reward schools for their work to engage students, foster literacy, and promote critical thinking. Our video focuses on our Read Across Doss (RAD) program and what makes this collaboration with the Doss Library, our PTA, and our larger reading community so great!