Hi Gang- I am really looking forward to reading about what you have been reading! Please share, but make sure not to spoil the ending for your classmates (or me)! All comments will come to be for approval so they will not be posted immediately. An important rule here is to include only your first name and your last initial & this area is for the 2010-2011 5th graders only... everyone elses turn will come. Of course, anyone is welcome to read the posts, just not contribute.
I'll go first....
I just finished re-reading The Giver by Lois Lowry. This is a powerful book about a dystopian society. Though I don't usually recommend going to Wikipedia- there is a great explanation of what this is. I think that some of you would enjoy this book, but you should know that it can be quite upsetting and may be one that you put on your list to read when you're in middle school.
I am eagerly awaiting your posts! Well... I love to have your posts here, but I am also checking out the Reading Room on the Doss fifth grade blog. Isn't it great that we're all using Web 2.0!?!
I'll go first....
I just finished re-reading The Giver by Lois Lowry. This is a powerful book about a dystopian society. Though I don't usually recommend going to Wikipedia- there is a great explanation of what this is. I think that some of you would enjoy this book, but you should know that it can be quite upsetting and may be one that you put on your list to read when you're in middle school.
I am eagerly awaiting your posts! Well... I love to have your posts here, but I am also checking out the Reading Room on the Doss fifth grade blog. Isn't it great that we're all using Web 2.0!?!