May is Get Caught Reading Month!

Did you know that May is get caught reading month?  I will be looking for Doss readers this month and maybe you'll find yourself on wild4reading's posterous.  Thanks to Ms. G for taking the time to teach and tutor me!  You're never to old to learn new things!

I am also sharing this blog address with the Doss PTA in hopes of getting more traffic and followers.  I set up this blog last year in hopes of having a paperless and green summer reading program.  I mostly hoped that it would be a good place to share and respond to books and to encourage reading.  Though it's been a slow start, I am not giving up.  I ask that all comments be made with first name and last initial only,  I have set up the blog so that I have to approve all comments before they are posted.  I am open to suggestions and feedback look forward to some online sharing and collaboration!

Hope everyone has a very happy get caught reading month!!!!  ~Mrs. Lang

6 Response to "May is Get Caught Reading Month!"

  1. Shannon Says:

    Love your blog! Am looking forward to following...keep up the great work!

  2. Bonnie Says:

    Thanks so much! Being consistent here is tough, but with others to keep up the dialogue, I think that it will work!

  3. Kelly Says:

    So glad to know about your blog. It's a great resource! We always love your book suggestions. Thanks!

  4. Bonnie Says:

    I'm having a slight glitch and have not been able to post the wonderful pictures I've taken of Doss owls and their books... Please check back. I hope to get this figured out soon!

  5. Cacki J. Says:

    I would like to know if you can recommend a website for parents to use for checking the appropriateness of the content of a book for their child. I am interested in knowing about typical things like sexual content and other mature themes, but also how those topics are treated in the book and what general values the book promotes. I am also interested in other content issues like racism (from older "classics" and sexism. I tried to find something like this the other day and couldn't find anything that was particularly good. Thanks!

  6. Bonnie Says:

    This is a great question... there is a site called Common Sense Media that I have not checked out in detail, but it does rate books according to content and mature themes, violence, etc. I do not agree with everything that they have posted, but if read with caution and used thoughtfully, I believe that it might serve your purpose. As a librarian, I am very cautious about censorship and would not want this site to be used to ban a book. As far as other content issues, I have only found this type of information by going to sites specific to particular groups and issues rather than being all in one place. If you are looking for something specific, please let me know and I'll work on that!

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