Me again... I read 11 Birthdays on the way to Chicago and really enjoyed it! The cover of this book might appeal to girls more than boys, but everyone should check it out. It is about two former friends named Amanda and Leo. The story begins at the hospital on the day they were born. They are birthday twins-- they share the same birthday, but are from different families. I think that Miss Murr and Mrs. Means are birthday twins. Do you have a birthday twin? I don't want to give too much away, but after ten years of celebrating their birthdays together, something goes wrong and the day of their 11th birthday is well, VERY interesting! Read 11 Birthdays to find out what happens to Amanda and how she solves her dilemma.
October 15, 2010 at 6:51 AM
yes i do have two birthday twins it's mrs. means and ms. murr. how about you ms. lang?
Zach friedlander
October 15, 2010 at 2:42 PM
Hmmm... I do have one birthday twin that I can think of here in Austin. He is more than thirty years older than me and his wife calls me every year with birthday wishes. Have you read 11 Birthdays?
October 18, 2010 at 5:16 AM
I liked 11 birthdays as well. In the middle for me it got a little old when her 11th birthday happended over and over again but overall I liked it a lot!